I met a legend. Just traveled back to Miami to visit my brother and the neighborhood that inspired my latest novel-in-progress. Found a public bike to pedal around Calle Ocho and rode northeast through the city to check out the grafitti. I was taking in the sights,...
Roz Chast Interview for The Big Read

Roz Chast Interview for The Big Read

What luck! The National Endowment for the Arts is bringing Roz Chast’s brilliant memoir Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant? to communities across America, and I’ve been invited to do the author interview in Eugene. Much thanks to...
RADIO DÉSASTRE – French Release!

RADIO DÉSASTRE – French Release!

THE GREAT BIG ONE has been published in French! Look at the fabulous new title! The incredible cover by Adams Carvalho, in which all my characters appear far more fashionable and attractive! I always wanted to be published in French. Maybe that’s strange. There...
University of Iowa feature

University of Iowa feature

This is a lovely piece. I’m grateful for Emily Nelson’s well-considered interview, and genuine interest in my Iowa origin story. Truth is, I’ve always had a conflicted relationship with academia. No MFA. Nearly dropped out of undergrad twice. Mike...